Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Executives You are an Investment, Not an Expense

Executives You are an Investment, Not an Expense Executives, stop thinking of yourself as just a job seeker who is seeking a salary and start positioning yourself as a worthwhile investment. An investment with high returns. Write your resume to be a marketing motivator. Instead of just listing job duties in your resume, sell value. Your value. Demonstrate the returns. How? Emphasize how you will help a business do things faster, better, or smarter: Reduced financial statement preparation from 20 days to 7 days. Lowered customer complaints 40% by launching formal feedback system. Instilled a culture of accountability, improving product delivery time 18%. Share how you can make money, save money, or increase efficiencies: Grew revenue 14% and improved gross margin 21% in 1 year by standardizing operating procedures. Produced $5M in cost-savings by renegotiating all supply and service contracts. Tell readers how you’ve succeeded in the past by listing examples of success: Built successful technical sales organizations from the ground up within three global organizations. Generated over $6M in total cost-savings during tenure. Cha-Ching!   Ensure that your resume doesnt position you as just an ordinary-job-doer. Create your resume to showcase you as a high-return-on-investment-professional. Clearly show employers how investing in you is worth their while!

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